The System Power Optimization and Regulation Technology (SPORT) Lab focuses on research, development, and educational efforts on power-awareness in VLSI circuits and systems.

Of particular interest are low-power electronics including low power devices, circuits, and architectures, computer-aided design methodologies and techniques for power-efficient realization of digital CMOS circuits, on-chip and off-chip bus encoding for low power, battery-powered mobile computing and communication, dynamic power management, and power-aware system-on-chip designs. The cross-disciplinary research spans the full scope of low power design technologies, including modeling and analysis of power dissipation sources, power conversion and regulation issues, IC design, system integration and PCB layout, system validation and online performance monitoring.

Established in 1996, the SPORT’s research has been funded by various contracts from NSF, DARPA, IARPA, SRC and the industry.

Group Members

Zeming Cheng

Office: EEB 302
Email: zemingch@usc.edu

Haolin Cong

Office: EEB 515
Email: haolinco@usc.edu

Arash Fayyazi

Office: EEB 214
Email: fayyazi@usc.edu

Mustafa Karamuftuoglu

Office: EEB 302
Email: karamuft@usc.edu

Souvik Kundu

Office: EEB 314
Email: souvikku@usc.edu

Mingye Li

Office: EEB 332
Email: mingyel@usc.edu

Mahdi Nazemi

Office: EEB 214
Email: mnazemi@usc.edu

Marzieh Vaeztourshizi

Office: EEB 206
Email: vaeztour@usc.edu

Bo Zhang

Office: EEB 338
Email: zhan254@usc.edu